About Us

+ North Star Lodge is located at 58 Bridge Street at the south end of the Richmond business block between the stop lights at the intersection of Route 2 and Bridge Street and the railroad tracks.

+ The first North Star Lodge was chartered in Manchester, Vermont in 1785 by St. Andrews Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. After the Grand Lodge of Vermont was established in 1794, it was numbered as North Star Lodge No.2. Vermont Lodge No. 1, also chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, however, was located on the New Hampshire side of the Conneticutt River. North Star is actually the first lodge chartered in the wilderness that would later become the state of Vermont. North Star Lodge No.2 gave up its charter and became extinct in 1810.

+ In 1823, brethern in the town of Williston petitioned Grand Lodge for a lodge of their own to be named Chittenden Lodge. The petition was granted but was chartered as North Star Lodge No.58. Grand Lodge numbered each lodge sequentially as they were chartered.

+ The anti-Masonic period severely disrupted the growth of Masonry between the years of 1826 through to 1845. Many of the lodges gave up their charter during this period and became extinct. Others followed the example of Grand Lodge and became dormant, sometimes meeting secretly. But the members of North Star #58 persevered. Never having given up their charter, and due to the actions of Grand Lodge, they were renumbered as North Star Lodge No.12 in the aftermath.

+ Then disaster struck in the spring of 1856. A fire completely destroyed 'Eagle Hall', the building they were using for meetings. All of the furniture and lodge belongings were destroyed. The lodge then found suitable accomodations in the neighboring town of Richmond, and in the fall of that same year they commenced regular meetings again.

+ A few years later, in 1868, they undertook to build their own building on the corner of Bridge and Front Streets, near the railroad station. A very fine three story building with rooms for store fronts on both Bridge and Front Street. Very little is known of what this building looked like as it burned to the ground, along with nearly all of the businesses in Richmond in the spring of 1891.

+ Again they rebuilt, a very fetching three story Italianate style building only to have that building burn as well in 1908; the biggest fire in Richmond's history.

+ The present building, along with the other business blocks that make up the heart of Richmond's business center, were constructed with brick facades and double brick firewalls in between for fire protection.

* A more complete history is available in the book: "North Star Lodge, F. & A. M., State of Vermont". This book is available from the lodge.

* More information on the anti-Masonic Period is available in the book: "Ancient Craft Masonry in Vermont" by Lee S. Tillotson 33rd, Past Grand Master of Vermont. This book was published by Capital City Press of Montpelier, VT in 1920.

* For more information on the history of Richmond, Vermont, the Richmond Historical Society has published "A History Of More Than 200 Years" which is available for a modest sum. Copies may also be obtained from the Richmond Town Clerk.